B2B Marketing, Blog

How to Prepare Your 3D Animation Video Brief

Today, consumers are more tech-savvy than ever before, and as such, they expect brands to keep up with the times. If you want your company to succeed in today’s market, it is crucial that you have a compelling online presence. One way of doing this is through 3D animation videos which can be used for branding purposes or marketing campaigns. In order to produce the perfect video, there are some steps one must take beforehand so that their project will be successful.

In this blog, we will discuss the steps you should take when creating a brief for your 3D animation video project.

  1. Take inspiration
  2. Identify your target audience
  3. Research the market trends
  4. Come up with your video idea
  5. Conduct a storyboard
  6. Write the script
  7. Be Precise
  8. Include multiple ideas
  9. Specify a budget
  10. Decide a timeline for the project
  11. Finalize the details
  12. Give feedbacks

Take Inspiration:

The first step is to look up inspiration. Find out what other companies have done in the past and take some valuable cues that you can apply to your own project. You should also research videos on YouTube that are related to your brand so that it will be easier for you when planning the content of your video.

Identify Your Target Audience:

The next step is to identify your target audience. Who are you trying to reach? If you already have a certain demographic that you want the video to be marketed towards, then this will make things much easier for you when it comes time for production.

Research the Market Trends:

Remember that you are not the only one trying to reach your target audience. Make sure that there isn’t too much competition by doing some market research on who else is targeting this demographic. It might be difficult for you if there are many other brands already dominating the niche, so make sure to take these things into account when planning out your video idea.

Come Up with Your Video Idea:

Now that you have a good idea of who your target audience is and what the latest trends are in the market, it’s time to come up with an idea. What story do you want to tell? How will this concept be executed through animation? These are all questions that need answers before production can begin.

Conduct A Storyboard:

Once you have decided on the story, it is important to create a very detailed and thorough storyboard that will contain all of your ideas for each scene in your video. This way, everyone who works on the project knows exactly what they are required to do. This way, there won’t be any confusion during production.

Write the Script:

Now that you have the storyboard, it’s time to write your script. Make sure to include everything in this document for reference during production. This includes character lines and descriptions of movements so that animators know exactly what is required of them. It also helps if there are some visuals included as well.

Be Precise:

The next step is to be as precise as possible with your brief. You should aim for a maximum of one page and make sure that you clearly list the purpose, target audience, tone of voice, and overall objective of your video. This way, you will avoid any confusion later on in the process when it comes time to communicate all these details.

Include Multiple Ideas:

You should also include multiple ideas in your brief. This is because it will allow you to get a variety of content and provide the best video possible for your brand. You can then select from these different concepts or work on them further if needed before making a final decision.

Specify a Budget:

It is important to specify a budget in brief. Make sure that everyone who works on this project knows exactly how much you can afford and what sort of time frame is required for its completion, so they know if it will be possible or not.

Decide a Timeline for the Project:

Include a timeline for the video as well. Include deadlines and milestones so that they know how much time is required of them before moving on to the next step in production. This way, everyone involved will be able to work together more cohesively and avoid any unnecessary delays or issues with your project later down the line.

Finalize the Details:

Include all the details at this point of your brief. This includes a story synopsis, character list, and any specifications for animation or sound effects that will be required of them to make sure they have everything they need before beginning production on the video. Make it as detailed as possible so you can avoid confusion when working with animators and production professionals later on.

Give Feedback:

Finally, after receiving the first draft of your video back from animators and other professionals working on it, give them some feedback so that they can make changes to improve upon their work before moving on to the next step in production. This is a good way for you to get exactly what you want in the end without any frustration or confusion.

Summing It Up

So now that you have gone through the entire process of how to write a brief for your video project, hopefully, you will be able to see why it is so important. It saves time and makes production much easier in the end. This way, everyone involved can understand what they are required to do before moving on with their part in this process. Make sure to hire only the best 3D animation video designers within your budget and location.

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